कारखाना-सीधा मार्फत कम मूल्य
बिचौलिया हटाउन सिधै इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स कारखानासँग काम गर्नुहोस्। कम र छुट मूल्य संग नयाँ मूल
सुरक्षित र गुणस्तर विश्वसनीयता
उत्कृष्ट उत्पादन गुणस्तरको लागि गुणस्तर बीमा प्रणाली। समय मा, गुणस्तर घटक को हरेक समय प्रावधान।
15 मिलियन भन्दा बढी आविष्कारहरू
100+ शीर्ष प्रसिद्ध वैश्विक निर्माता, 15 मिलियन भन्दा बढी सूचीहरू। स्टक उपलब्ध छ जुन समर्थन छूट मूल्य संग सीधा खरीद गर्न को लागी।
ग्राहक मैत्री सेवाहरू
तपाइँको अद्वितीय आवश्यकताहरु को लागी एक स्टप समाधान निजीकृत। 12 भाषाहरूको वेबसाइटमा समर्थन, थप सुविधा र छिटो सेवाहरू।
Phyton, Inc. is a leading supplier of microsystems, development tools, and device programmers for production and development. Phyton’s headquarters is in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
The Phyton ChipProg™ device programmers support flash memory devices, microcontrollers and programmable logic devices produced by leading silicon manufacturers represented by Digi-Key. The list of device manufacturers includes Adesto, Cypress, Freescale, Infineon, Intel, Lattice, Maxim, Microchip, Micron, Nuvoton, NXP, Renesas, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments, Winbond, Xilinx and other brands.
The ChipProg-ISP2 family of production in-system programmers is intended for programming multi-PCS panel programming in automated test equipment and test fixtures. The CPI2-B1 and CPI2-B1-x programmers belonging to this family are extremely fast and work under computer control or standalone. Parallel, ChipProg-4x single-site and gang device programmers enable programming devices in a variety of socket adapters also available from Digi-Key.